How to Use Git for WordPress – WordPress Git
Git is one kind of version control tool. It is also an open source system. It trails files and directories. Using git you can store your project online. As it is an open source system your project will be available to reach publicly. However, it is very useful tool to run your project smoothly involving multiple developers.
The contents are stored in Git in Binary Large Objects which is known as BLOBS. The folders are defined as trees. Every tree has other trees (e.g. subfolders) as well as BLOBS including a general text file which contains the type, mode, name and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA). At the time of transferring repository, though there are various files with the similar content and a diverse name, Git transfers the BLOB one time and eventually spread it out to various files.
Projects’ histories are saved as a commit object. You must have to commit each time you make any modifications in your projects. The commit files record the committer, author, comment and parent commits.
If you intend to make your project successful, then Git is one of the best version control system for you. It obviously makes your project development smoothly. There are other version control systems also.
Why Git is the best VCS?
Here are some reasons for you:
- World’s top projects such as Jquery, Ruby and Linux Kernel utilize Git as the best choice for VCS (Version Control system). From small team to large team Git is an wonderful VC tool.
- Sometimes workflow in your project gets violated due to multiple developers in a project. Then it is difficult to trace out the wrong with the project. If you used Git then you could find the culprit from commit history. As a result your project workflow would be increased. Actually developers like to use Git as it assists them to get productive outcomes within a short period of time. And collaboration in a project is done comfortably. Moreover Git is the life saver for a developer at the time of losing something from the projects.
- One of the important points to utilize Git is that you can use it without having technical expertness. If you have some primary programming knowledge then it’s ok to go ahead with Git. You can smoothly handle Git, because it extreme user friendly.
WordPress Git Tips
Is it Good to use Git for WordPress?
If you intend to install some previously built themes and plugins then yes, Git surely would be the best option for your project. It is necessary for a team to utilize VC (Version Control) for editing any codes. Even if you edit the CSS of child themes you must do it using VC. At the first time of using Git it might be difficult for you to understand what is happening. But when you would get used to using Git you will be stuck with it surely and you will suggest others to use Git for their projects.
Using git, you will get the chance of changing each line of codes you coded previously. If there is any mistakes happened then Git will give you the opportunity to undo the change. You will enjoy the real application of Git when you develop any wordpress theme employing multiple web developers in the same project. Imagine that conditions like you are in bad dreams where you have got yourself working with wrong files or somebody has uploaded useless files! Git is there to help you getting back from that kinds of bad situations.
WordPress projects contain thousands of codes in different files. It is surely hard to handle all the codes without using version control. Because, if you lost any files once, then it will damage your projects that you have been developing since last couple of months. Therefore, use Git VC to overcome likely risks. It is also recommended to change child themes using Git.
Let’s Start! GUI or Command Line?
There are two ways available for you to work using Git and these are-
- Command Line Interface
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) Application
Both of the above are useful. GUI application can you help you more effectively. It has advanced features available for you. On the other hand using command line is comparatively difficult to use normally for using advanced features.
Nevertheless, the true thing is that using Command Line is always better for the new learners. Command line will make it easier to learn GIt for beginner. Beginners will be able to learn Git deeply as well as they will understand the total procedures within a short time. You will get command line in more independent form than GUI in case of some specific applications.
You can handle Git operation entirely using command line. Besides, GUI can make your work easier. It may assist you to imagine the condition of Git tree and merges. GUI is also useful to setup remotes, pushing and pulling from themes. It is also possible the conflict in merging by means of GUI.
There are several useful GUI tools which are free to use. You can try these tools. The most popular GUI tools are- Git Tower, SourceTree, GitHub’s app and Git Cola.
GiHub’s app is the most popular tool and extremely useful for new learners, because it’s very simple to use. There are some latest features associated with GithHub’s app. SourceTree will let you visualize Git tree. SourceTree can work smoothly with both GitHub and BitBucket.
Once you learn the primary applications of Git, you are recommended to utilize GUI. Because GUI makes your project works easier and productive. Tortoise Git is another powerful tool for users who use windows. Mac OS users can use Tower.
In Case of WordPress Database
We have learned many things about Git already, but the database section has not been discussed yet. But it is not a matter to worry about, because it is completely different matter. It’s also a difficult section of Version Control. WordPress has a wonderful feature that enables you to revise the posts, for example, VC for content. Perhaps you have to divide VC for your WordPress Database. Practically it is really difficult to execute
WordPress has an effective solution regarding this issue. There is a plugin named Revisr. It is an well known WordPress plugin. Normally it is tool of Git GUI. Using this tool you can handle WordPress dashboard. It has a lot of amazing features and it is one of the suggested options for you to improve Git Workflow.
There is a unique feature in Revisr. This feature enables you to keep backup of database for every commit. So, it is possible to get back the earlier commit. In additions, you will get database in earlier stage also. It is an incredible feature to save your life.
In conclusion, Git is useful in WordPress that is beyond of description.
You can continue experiment with codes using Git. You will get freedom, because you can remove your changes if you want. You need not commit them and it is also not needed to regress commits in next time. VC system has made it possible for the developers to work simultaneously in a project. It is really best tool for team work. Any member of the team can contribute from any parts of the world. This is the best advantage of utilizing VC as a WordPress developer.